“Beauty is, most of the time, only simplic”
Here, poetry, humor, love, nothing more, nothing less. No hierarchy.

So-Mutti’s world and moods
The big picture

My Artistic Approach
Edouard Glissant“Act in your space, think with the world”

On the world stage, humanity
has claimed the leading role. Naturally, I am biased in this matter. My inability to decipher it makes it all the more captivating.
What I need to understand, I question. My universe is nourished by poetry and philosophy, words, popular culture, humor, and love. It is a resistance to depression, my way of fully engaging with life and sharing.
In my realm, imagination constantly intermingling with reality,
I produce hybrid images, figurative works with multiple layers.
Pencils, acrylic paint, markers, ink, clay, pastels,
and, since 2020, digital pen are my primary tools of exploration.
Each illustration, each painting, each portrait is the result of patient and precise work where time reigns supreme.

Creation allows the crossing of all borders.
Space is never lacking; everyone has the right to venture into it, to spend just a moment or to settle in. It’s a terrain where customs officers and guards only have legitimacy or importance that we would grant them in our moments of vulnerability.
I dedicate myself entirely to it.
When the time comes to share, my creations come to life on paper, fabric, tableware, on a wall, anywhere they can be welcomed… a desire for a breath of fresh air.