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My subjective images

Homages, winks, poetry make up these illustrations.

I look at the world where I am, where I come from, what I am made of. A point of view, personals emotions and feelings.

Seas and Oceans

The water of the seas and oceans, the origin of life on earth, represents the largest ecosystem on our planet.

Marine and underwater life remains unpredictable, mystery remains, even a certain magic. Was not the goddess Aphrodite-Venus once born from the foam of the waves?

my Seas and Oceans gallery

I remember two or three things for my part: the sea and its inhabitants may well be objects of exploration and exploitation, but they cannot be tamed or colonized. We don’t live at the sea, we live at the edge. We don’t trample on it, we slide on it, we swim in it.


Throughout time, the human animal has questioned the stars to orient itself and also to seek existential and spiritual answers.

my “Astroscopy” gallery

LeThe divinatory arts, astrology in the first place, just like numerology or tarology, are universal themes, whether we give them credit or not doesn’t matter, they give pride of place to metaphor, that’s all interest.

The signs of the zodiacs are inspired by paintings by masters or extracts from poems and books. Chinese astrology is a pretext for the creation of a fantastic, anthropomorphic bestiary; it is only a question of human vanity.

Public transport – Love

my Public transport – Love gallery

Il n’y a rien à expliquer ou alors nous ne vivons pas sur la meme planète. Lire Albert Cohen , Jane Austen ou Stefan Zweig et Garcia Marquez peut aider mais faire l’amour, être  chaleureux et câliner humains et animaux, prendre soin  ; c’est magique : plus besoin de coach encore moins de calinotherapeuthe, de médocs et de videos de minous.


What’s beautiful is good and right

I won’t lie, I’m one of those lazy people who no longer send paper postcards. Nevertheless, I take care with my virtual messages: no abbreviated text messages or ready-made images when it comes to expressing my feelings.

my Postcards gallery

Why is the postcard doomed to disappear? Or does that mean that the signs of attention have disappeared too? The postcard says “you’re important to me”, which is why we keep it. It’s a wink, a kiss, a smile. It can’t be lost.

Smiles and light humor

I no longer remember where I read or heard that the humor produced by hindsight or the shift defuses the difficulty of the moment. That’s exactly it.

Humor provokes laughter and smiles and offers another perspective on life.

my Smiles and light humor gallery

The smile is shared in complicity. appreciating the discrepancy or the strangeness therefore presupposes some common references. Are we good with each other at the moment? Good. Because a smile unites people better than religion. Let’s make ourselves comfortable then.