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On the wall

The painting hung, exposed,

vertical position, for a long time in principle, offers itself to the eye.

A dialogue begins and a bond is forged between you and him over time. Whether it is a motif, a portrait, situations or imaginary characters, the encounter nourishes thoughts and emotions. Decodings:


my portraits gallery

Painting the dreamer

I don’t like still portraits, by which I mean, with pinned, posed subjects. This young woman is recognizable in the trivial sense “resembling”. This is not the ultimate but.
By spending a whole day with her, inspiring elements emerged spontaneously : her way of smoking, the love she has for her cheri and her boots (sublime).
This young multidisciplinary artist is a dancer, in love, and tattooed. Into this x 2 painting slip elements that are meaningful for her and for “him”, little intimate secrets that will not be revealed to you: I am as silent as the grave !

Painting the student

On a walk, sitting on a bench, in the laundromat, it was when he wasn’t paying attention to me that I was able to take two or three photos on the sly; the pose bothered him.
The portrait must have reflected his sort of false nonchalance, because under the bucket hat, it was thinking, it was sparkling, it was protecting itself. At that time, he very much wanted to put an end to studies and teachers.


The digression is a detour, a freedom that I grant myself.

my Digressions gallery

The digression is a detour, a freedom that I grant myself.

It’s like automatic writing. I follow side roads, as if in a state of paradoxical sleep; the dreams that we remember when we wake up do not always have an obvious meaning; they are nevertheless palpable. They are part of the experience.

In reality, I never stray from my main subject, humans. What else do I know.

Public transport – Love

my Public transport – Love gallery

Mosaic painting Joyful womb

JI remember how apprehensive I was when I was told that, as the treatments weren’t working, a total hysterectomy would have to be considered.
I was afraid of the consequences of a sudden absence of hormones, on mind, on body, on desire.
Good news, girls: you’re still girls, totally and happily.

Painting ghosting

These women had fun together. A lot of fun. However, I wouldn’t have bet on a great story with the blue beauty; besides, she doesn’t lie, never makes promises.
The unfortunate woman in the background didn’t want to hear, she’s distraught, dependent, cumbersome. What choice did the former have but to ghost her to mark the end of the game ?
This is not cruelty, and the sad ghostly figure is not a victim.