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Creator of sparkling images


Under brush and pencil, all your ideas take shape 

In the beginning is the verb

A poetic sentence, an expression, a memory, an encounter, inspiring the image.

May my images speak to you, both with and without words.

Going beyond the one-dimensional aspects of existence

«There is definitely another world, but he is in this one. »


Moving the gaze

has the power to convert the perception of the object or space. 

Everything is a potential work surface and an inspiring source: objects, daily space,material (earth, metal, wood, fabric), wall, canvas…


Seek the movement, the involuntary gesture.
An admirable landscape is that of the human figure.
When the subject no longer poses, a truth begins to reveal itself.


Capture an attitude.
Observe the individual in the crowd.
Nobody’s looking at anyone.


Articulate words, emotions, and image.
Complex. Fascinating. Illustrations live their own lives, telling diverse and quirky stories.

What you see can change your life

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful”

William Morris